With emerging different problems of nose, several methods of nasal irrigation exists, one of the most popular is “Neti Pot”. A ceramic or plastic pot somehow looks like teapot and Aladdin’s lamp. Our Neti pot method of cleaning nose is very ancient. It originally came from yoga meditation practice/ Ayurveda. It is home-based treatment for nasal congestion. A Neti pot procedure is considered safe and it clears all the mucous during upper respiratory infections and helps to breathe more comfortably.
Neti Pot helps clean the nose by removing inflammation-causing agents. It also improves the respiratory system’s ability to clean itself. Use of Neti pot once a day if you have sinus congestion. If you find it to be effective, you may want to try it twice a day while you still have symptoms.
Product: Neti Pot
Suitable For: Nasal congestion, respiratory infections
Size: (16oz / 500 ml)
Price: 1000/=
24 in stock
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