Fine Grain Salt

We offer you “very fine natural grain salt” also known as “Himalayan Pink Salt X-fine” among the prototype of Natural salts. Very fine natural grain salt contains high amount of essential body nutrients including calcium, manganese, iron, copper and magnesium. Himalayan pink salt X-Fine is healthy additional minerals, which are lost from table salt during refining process. Our “Very Fine Grain Salt” is called so because it is only 0.3 – 0.5mm in size. It is well known by its intense saltiness. Very Fine Grain Salt can be stored anywhere at room temperature.
Very Fine Natural Grain Salt dissolves quickly and used easily in different recipes. It also adds pinch of savory flavor in sauces, marinades, and used for garnishing the finished products.

Product: very Fine Grain Salt
Net Weight: 500 grams
Suitable For: food and Drinks
Ingredients: Sodium Chloride (98%), Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, iron and copper (2%)
Price: 400/-


25 in stock

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